Labor Day weekend last year held a monumental day for us.
That Sunday we were asking the Lord for a specific answer as to where He wanted us to go and do. And He answered.
We had been seeking His direction on what He was calling us to for almost a month. This is something that we have always done on at least a semi-annual basis, just to check in, make sure we're still in His will and fully submitted to Him and that our hearts are pure. Until that point these inventories were typically short and simple, consisting of asking the Lord, Him saying, "Stay where you are," us repenting of any pride, resentment, or whatever, then receiving refreshing and renewed vision, joy, and strength.
But this time we got a different answer.
So we were listening more intently and digging deeper.
And on that Sunday we got the answer: "Move to Louisville and join Chris and Hannah Davis at Destiny Church."
It's amazing how much can happen in just one year. How beautiful to be sitting in Louisville now, one year later, walking by faith on the path He called us to.
This is all just the goodness of the Lord!
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