Thursday, November 28, 2013

A Changing of Seasons...

As some of you know, our time in Louisville, KY, is coming to a close. We will be moving our family to Colorado Springs, CO, in a matter of just a few weeks. It's all coming together rather quickly and feels somewhat like a whirlwind, although we have an immense amount of peace. 

There are so many feelings that come along with one season ending and another beginning. Feelings of loss and great sorrow over relationships invested in that will be changed by distance; feelings of joy and excitement over possibilities ahead. There are all of the "what could have been's" and all of the "what may be's." There are relationships that will stand the test of time and distance; there are relationships that will prove to have only been for a season.

In all of it I'm realizing over and over that "it's okay." 

So much of this journey over the last couple of years of moving to Kentucky, living here, and now moving all the way back across the country doesn't quite make sense.

Why did we come all the way out here just to move right across the Rockies from where we were living before?

Why did we come here to invest in building relationships with beautiful, amazing people that we would just have to turn around and say goodbye to?

I don't have all the answers. And I'm okay with that. Here are some things I do know:

God is good. His timing and plan and way are good and I can trust Him.

Our time in Louisville has been incredible and beautiful and meaningful and rich and hard and memorable and trying and healing and life-changing and all around worth it. 

We found here a grace and space to grow and heal in ways we didn't even realize we needed to and we have been surrounded with loving people who have encouraged and supported us. 

We have done a lot of growing up in this season, as we have made many adult decisions on our own. 

Our family is closer and full of more love and thankfulness and will continue to function out of more peace and joy. 

We have realized some of our strengths and sought growth in areas of weakness. 

Our marriage is richer, our parenting is more gentle and purposeful, our family as a whole is stronger.

My heart aches over leaving.

My heart leaps for joy over going to Colorado Springs.

In all of this I am unspeakably grateful. Grateful to the people who have invested so much in us. Grateful to the Father for knowing exactly where we needed to be. Grateful for the time we have had here. Grateful for the hope we have for the future.

There are still many details we are trying to sort out as far as logistics for our move. We do know that Tom has a job he will be starting on December 9th and the mini people and I will join him after the girls get out of school December 20th, hopefully finding ourselves together in time to celebrate Christmas in our new home.

The mini people are all expressing many of the same feelings I've expressed to you here. Although they are sad to have to leave friends and schools and teachers and church family, they are excited for what's to come. Thankfully we have many friends in Colorado Springs and they are looking forward to getting to be close to them. There's of course the added bonus of living closer to Grammy and aunts and uncles and cousins! Five hours driving sure beats 3 days...

We aren't entirely sure what Jesus has in store for us in this next season, but we're excited to find out. We're looking forward to immersing ourselves into a community of believers in the Springs who are living a Kingdom lifestyle that we have longed to be a part of and understand. We're not sure how long we may end up living there or what may come after our time there. 

Our life is an adventure.

Sometimes that's uncomfortable for us; sometimes that makes others uncomfortable.

In all honesty, I think it's kind of thrilling.

Please Pray!

I cannot end this post without imploring you to pray for our family and this transition.

Please pray for the details to fall into place. We still need to find a place to live and work out how to move our belongings.

Please pray for our hearts. As natural and healthy as all of the emotions we are experiencing and will experience may be, they can still be difficult to navigate.

Please pray for Destiny Church. There are still so many needs in the fellowship we came here to be a part of and we fully believe that Jesus has great things in store for the beautiful people who worship together here. Pray for encouragement for the leadership team and for people to rise up and serve as they are called. Pray for creativity and innovation as they continue to live out the vision the Father has given them for the Highlands and Louisville.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

A Humbling Lesson

I learned a beautiful lesson of forgiveness and contentment from my sweet Kylee this week:

She had been saving up her money for the school's book fair for a couple of weeks and already had a book picked out. She brought her money to school the day of the book fair - the exact amount needed to purchase the book: $3.99.

Before she was able to go to the book fair, someone stole $3 right out of her backpack in her own classroom.

As she was telling me what happened, anger started to rise up in my mama heart and a feeling of needing to find justice for my daughter.

Kylee's response to the situation? "That's okay. I have plenty more money at home."

**picks up jaw from floor**

I was blown away.

The librarian had set aside the book Kylee wanted and we were able to pick it up that evening (Kylee insisted on bringing more of her own money to pay for it).

Her teacher was able to recover some of the money that was stolen, but not all of it.

This mama is very humbled by this beautiful display of selflessness and lack of worry over unimportant things from the overflow of my sweet daughter's precious heart.