Saturday, November 2, 2013

A Humbling Lesson

I learned a beautiful lesson of forgiveness and contentment from my sweet Kylee this week:

She had been saving up her money for the school's book fair for a couple of weeks and already had a book picked out. She brought her money to school the day of the book fair - the exact amount needed to purchase the book: $3.99.

Before she was able to go to the book fair, someone stole $3 right out of her backpack in her own classroom.

As she was telling me what happened, anger started to rise up in my mama heart and a feeling of needing to find justice for my daughter.

Kylee's response to the situation? "That's okay. I have plenty more money at home."

**picks up jaw from floor**

I was blown away.

The librarian had set aside the book Kylee wanted and we were able to pick it up that evening (Kylee insisted on bringing more of her own money to pay for it).

Her teacher was able to recover some of the money that was stolen, but not all of it.

This mama is very humbled by this beautiful display of selflessness and lack of worry over unimportant things from the overflow of my sweet daughter's precious heart.

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