What a beautiful Christmas season we had! I realized, as we entered into the Advent season and I was making my list of things I hoped to do with my family and friends and for myself, just how much I missed last year while Tom was here in Colorado and the kids and I were still finishing up our time in Louisville. This left me feeling immensely grateful for the extra measure of grace the Lord provided us last year as well as the amazing people we had around us - in Colorado and in Kentucky.
Last year we didn't put up any Christmas
decorations in our apartment in Lou; instead we were busy sorting and purging
and packing and saying our hasty goodbyes. We drove for two days before
Christmas and arrived late Christmas Eve, just in time to enjoy a nice fire in
our new apartment, have the kids "open" (**ahem** pull out of the Wal-Mart
bags...) their new pajamas and throw blankets on the floor in one of their
bedrooms to sleep on. Tom and I spent Christmas day unloading the truck. Many
of the traditions we had come to cherish were simply by-passed and put off,
with good reason, of course.
This year I was able to settle into the Advent
season and reflect. I thoroughly enjoyed decorating our apartment, perusing our
Christmas music to put together my own playlist, and reinstate some of the
traditions we had to bypass last year. As a family we decided to celebrate
Advent together with a fast of sorts and a family devotional. I bought candy
canes and made hot chocolate from scratch so we could decorate the tree
together. We read a different Christmas book [nearly] every night, cut
snowflakes out of paper, made a count-down chain, and watched our favorite
Christmas movies.
Having grown up observing Advent with my church for
the 4 Sundays before Christmas, culminating in a solemn, intimate, candlelight
Christmas Eve service, I did not always stop to think about what it all meant.
This year it was like something clicked for me that hadn't before: Advent is a
celebration of the waiting. My dear friend and pastor, Laurie Thornton, gave a
beautiful teaching on waiting and a God who waits just before Advent started,
which really got me thinking. There is truly something magical about this
season and about the fulfillment of the promise God had given to His people so
many generations before Jesus actually came as a baby in Bethlehem.
Now, if you know me even a little, you may not find
it hard to agree that I am not typically a very patient person. For example, I
finally made cake (from a box) the right way - meaning, I used the hand mixer
for the full 2 minutes, not just until everything looked sufficiently combined
- and realized there is actually a reason they instruct you to do
it that way! The cake came out so spongy and moist... Yes! It was in that
moment that I realized why I'm just not that into baking - so many dishes and
ingredients for one recipe and so many time-consuming steps...
Anyway, I
digress. As I was reflecting this Advent season and thinking about how patient
my Lord is with me and how very long those people who were alive when Jesus was
born had been waiting for the coming of a Savior, I couldn't help but praise my
King with gladness. He really came! He really rescued! He really sought and
pursued and sacrificed! All of this He did for me. And for you. How can my
response be anything but worship?
I must confess: I could often be found getting
emotional and tearing up, especially for the first couple of weeks of Advent.
Certain songs or Scriptures or greetings or gatherings simply made my heart
swell until I felt it would burst.
When I read of the promise foretold in Isaiah 9, my
heart races with excitement and anticipation.
and despair will not go on forever... The people who walk in darkness will see
a great light... For You will break the yoke of their slavery and lift the
heavy burden from their shoulders... For a child is born to us! A son is given
to us!.. And He will be called: Wonderful! Counselor! Mighty God! Everlasting
Father! Prince of Peace! His government and its peace will NEVER end!.. The
passionate commitment of the Lord of Heaven's Armies will make this
I mean, WOW! That is a promise from Almighty God
and He has fulfilled it and is fulfilling it! Yes and amen!
And the lyrics! Oh, the songs of Christmas are
always so special to me and some of my favorite to sing, and this year I found
so many of the words of my favorites - from long ago and from recently -
touching the deep parts of my soul that aren't often exposed to sense. The
lyrics to this verse of O Holy Night especially got to my heart this year:
Truly He
taught us to love one another
His law is
love and His gospel is peace
shall He break, for the slave is our brother
and in
His name all oppression shall cease!
This brought tears to
my eyes every time, especially with all that is happening in this country right
now as well as in Myanmar, where the organization I work for supports children
in dire situations, not to mention every other nation in the world. Jesus is
breaking chains and abolishing oppression!! He has promised!
I may not have succeeded in checking off every activity on
my list and we may not have succeeded in reading the book and devotion every
night of Advent, but I'm not bothered by any of that. The things that
mattered the most to me were time with my family, peace in our home, seeing the
beauty and joy around me, and celebrating the waiting and the promise
fulfilled. We enjoyed a wonderful candlelight Christmas Eve service downtown
Wednesday night - exactly one year after we arrived as a family to our new home
in Colorado Springs - and a fine, peaceful, relaxing Christmas day as a family
and with new friends. My heart is full. I enjoyed many a silent night,
pondering and reflecting in the warm glow of the twinkle lights decorating my
living room. As I reflected, I rejoiced.
He has come; He is coming; He will come.
Photo source URL: http://www.picstopin.com/1680/1680x1050-fantasy-lights-desktop-pc-and-mac-wallpaper/http:%257C%257Cimg*wallpaperstock*net:81%257Cfantasy-lights-wallpapers_32052_1680x1050*jpg/
Photo source URL: http://www.picstopin.com/1680/1680x1050-fantasy-lights-desktop-pc-and-mac-wallpaper/http:%257C%257Cimg*wallpaperstock*net:81%257Cfantasy-lights-wallpapers_32052_1680x1050*jpg/
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